Local Cracking News For Virginia Beach, VA

Witness Movie US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said Monday that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was “begging for war” as she urged the UN Security Council to adopt the strongest sanctions measures possible to stop Pyongyang’s nuclear program. Speaking at a Security Council emergency meeting, Haley said North Korea’s sixth nuclear test was a clear sign that “the time for half measures” from the UN had to end. “Enough is enough,” Haley said. “We have taken an incremental treatment, and despite the best of intentions, it has not worked.” Haley began her statement by ticking through all of the resolutions the Security Council has passed in response to North Korea’s provocations over the past two-plus decades, making the point that the UN has been united condemning Pyongyang but the efforts have not managed to stop its nuclear progress. She said the US does not want war but will defend itself when North Korea is issuing threats with missiles pointed at US territories. “War is never something the Unites States wants — we don’t want it now,” Haley said. “But our country’s patience is not unlimited. We will defend our allies and our territory.” At the conclusion of the meeting, Haley said that the US would circulate a resolution in response to the nuclear test, with plans for a vote on it next week. “I think that North Korea has basically spanked everyone in the face in the international community that has asked them to stop,” Haley said. While details of a resolution weren’t discussed on Monday, South Korea’s Ambassador to the UN Cho Tae-yul said it had to be “truly biting.” “Now is the time to take measures that are strong and sturdy enough to compel North Korea to gravely engage in dialogue,” he said. “The fresh resolution must include not only extra measures to further block funds that could possibly flow into North Korea’s illegal nuclear program, but also truly biting and sturdy measures that Pyongyang finds very painful.” South Korea’s response South Korea launched a major military demonstrate of force on Monday in response to the latest nuclear test from the North, including live-fire drills simulating an attack on Pyongyang’s nuclear testing site. South Korea’s defense ministry said Monday the drills were intended to demonstrate Seoul’s readiness to “wipe out” the regime of Kim Jong Un, while South Korean defense officials also noted there were signs North Korea was preparing for another launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). Seoul said that it would activate four Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) launch pads, the US missile defense system intended to shoot down potential missiles shot from Pyongyang. The THAAD deployment, however, has sparked criticisms from Russia and China, and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said Monday that Moscow might increase its missile presence in the Pacific to react to the THAAD deployment. Neither Russia nor China mentioned the missile defense deployment at the Security Council meeting, however. Leaders discussing next steps US President Donald Trump spoke by phone Monday with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in a 40-minute phone call, according to Park Soo-hyun, a spokesman for South Korea’s presidential office. They discussed responses to North Korea’s nuclear test and agreed to lift confinements on the payload weight of South Korea’s ballistic missiles. The phone call came after Trump issued a tweet Sunday criticizing the fresh South Korean leader’s treatment to North Korea. “South Korea is finding, as I have told them, that their talk of appeasement with North Korea will not work, they only understand one thing!” Trump wrote. It was one of a number of conversations Monday inbetween world leaders in the wake of North Korea’s nuclear test. Moon also spoke by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin, in which Seoul said the two leaders discussed cutting off Pyongyang’s crude oil supplies and sources for foreign currency. And Trump also spoke with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday. Merkel’s spokesman said the German leader confirmed to Trump that Germany would work with the European Union for fresh and stricter sanctions against North Korea. US, China tensions over Pyongyang Monday’s Security Council meeting was convened in response to North Korea’s latest nuclear test, but it’s the 10th time that the council has met on North Korea this year — and the 2nd time in less than a week, according to Jeffrey Feltman, UN undersecretary for political affairs. In addition to his appeasement tweet, Trump has said in latest days that “talking is not the reaction,” and Defense Secretary James Mattis warned on Sunday of a “massive military response” to any threat from North Korea against the US or its allies. But Trump has also targeted China as complicit in permitting North Korea’s nuclear program to march on. On Sunday, Trump tweeted that the US was considering “stopping all trade with any country doing business with North Korea,” which would include China. At the UN meeting Monday, Chinese Ambassador to the UN Liu Jieyi said the situation was “falling into a perverse circle” and urged North Korea to “stop taking deeds that are wrong.” “We strongly urge the DPRK to face up squarely to the stiff will of the international community on the issue of the denuclearization of the peninsula and earnestly abide by the relevant resolutions of the council.” At the same time, Liu cautioned against any military option. “The peninsula issue must be resolved peacefully,” he said. “China will never permit chaos and war on the peninsula.” Liu touted a proposal from China and Russia of a “suspension for suspension,” also known as “freeze for freeze,” where Pyongyang would freeze its nuclear program in exchange for the US and South Korea suspending joint military exercises. But before he spoke, Haley called such a proposal “insulting.” “The idea that some have suggested a so-called ‘freeze for freeze’ is insulting,” she said. “When a rogue regime has a nuclear weapon and an ICBM pointed at you, you do not take steps to lower your guard. No one would do that. We certainly won’t.” Asked after the Security Council meeting about Haley’s “insulting” comment, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia told reporters he was “wondering” what was insulting about their proposal. “This is the only proposal for a political way out,” Nebenzia said. Haley also indirectly called out China for its trade with North Korea, telling the United States would look at every country that does business with Pyongyang “as a country that is providing aid to their reckless and dangerous intentions.” She said that quickly enacting the strongest possible sanctions in the Security Council was the only way to resolve the issue diplomatically. “We’ve kicked the can down the road long enough,” Haley said. “There is no more road left.”
Tennessee Highway Patrol has confirmed that two fellows died when an SUV became fully submerged after going off a boat ramp in Hardin County. The accident occurred around 12:43 pm Saturday on State Highway sixty nine in Saltillo, TN. Ritchie V. Weaver, 64, of Milledgeville and Ronnie K. Steele, 63, of Bethel Springs were traveling in a one thousand nine hundred ninety seven Mercury Mountaineer when the vehicle went off a boat ramp and into the water. Weaver, the driver, is believed to have escaped the car, but drowned thereafter. THP, as well as medical examiners, are still investigating the incident.
PORTSMOUTH, Va. – Police are investigating a death reported Monday afternoon. The investigation is underway in the one thousand one hundred block of Wilcox Ave. Police said they were dispatched to the scene around Two:30 p.m. Police have not released any further information about the death. Download the News three app for updates.
PORTSMOUTH, Va. (WAVY) — A homicide investigation is underway on Wilcox Avenue in Portsmouth, according to police. Police tell ten On Your Side they got a call at Two:30 p.m. for a deceased person. .@PortsmouthPD investigating homicide on Wilcox Ave. Police got call around Two:30 p.m. for deceased person. @WAVY_News — Joe Fisher (@JoeFisherTV) September Four, two thousand seventeen The victim was masculine, according to police. Stay with WAVY.com for updates to this cracking news. WAVY/Marielena BalourisFiled under: Local News, News, Portsmouth
Missing Attachment Missing Attachment HAMPTON, Va. – A man was rescued after being trapped under a golf cart in water. Hampton Fire said the incident happened around one p.m. in the ninety block of Mohawk Road. A 60-year-old man was extricated from the golf cart after it fell four feet into the water. Police said the man was driving along an edge near the water and tumbled over. His gam was pinned. He was taken to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital with non-life menacing injuries, fire officials said.
HAMPTON, Va. (WAVY) — A man who was trapped in the water under a golf cart was rescued Monday afternoon by Hampton emergency responders. Hampton fire officials tweeted Monday afternoon that they were called to this situation on Mohawk Road at 12:50 p.m. A 60-year-old man was rescued and taken to Sentara Norfolk General Hospital with a non life-threatening gam injury. Official tweeted that the man fell four feet into the water. Photos posted to Twitter displayed rescue crews at a dock on the Hampton Sea. The circumstances of the incident were not instantly clear. jQuery(function( $ )< map = fresh google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( “lin-map-0” ), < center: fresh google.maps.LatLng( 37.043835334868, -76.331908984656 ), zoom: parseFloat( thirteen ), mapTypeControlOptions: < style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU > >); marker = fresh google.maps.Marker(< position: fresh google.maps.LatLng( 37.0472264, -76.3319519 ), >); marker.setMap( map ); >); Filed under: Hampton, Local News, News
SmokyMountains.com has released their annual interactive map that shows the predictions for when you can best see the beautiful switching colors of autumn! Just click the map to visit the site, then stir the slider at the bottom of the map to see when the foliage in your area is expected to switch. The site has created the map over the last few years and it has been a successful planning contraption. While it’s unlikely to be 100% accurate, the map still serves as a fine guide for anyone looking to take a road excursion to see the colors of fall!
SUFFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — Crews in Suffolk responded to a fire at a two-story home early Monday morning. Fire and rescue officials say crews were called out to a home on Pinner Street in downtown Suffolk around 1:25 a.m. Responding units found the back of the home on fire, officials say. The fire was kept from coming in the main portion of the residence. Officials say the home was unoccupied. The fire was called under control at 1:45 a.m. The fire marshal’s office is investigating the cause of the fire. jQuery(function( $ )< map = fresh google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( “lin-map-1” ), < center: fresh google.maps.LatLng( 36.731493415578, -76.579202029639 ), zoom: parseFloat( thirteen ), mapTypeControlOptions: < style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU > >); marker = fresh google.maps.Marker(< position: fresh google.maps.LatLng( 36.7321813, -76.5780004 ), >); marker.setMap( map ); >); Filed under: Local News, News, Suffolk
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Oceanfront hotel staff say a Virginia Beach visitor ended their Labor Day weekend on a horrifying note. According to a call for very first responders, a man called for help telling he was surrounded by a group of dudes, one of them armed with a gun. The incident reportedly happened around Five:30 p.m. Sunday evening near 24th Street and Atlantic Avenue. The man was able to securely rail away from the group and called for help at an Oceanfront hotel on 34th Street. Staff at the business confirm they called police for assistance, but were not able to provide any more information on the guest or incident. Vacationers who heard about the incident say they were astonished that something like this could happen during such a busy weekend. “I am shocked,” said vacationer, Bill Singer. “We have been here a few times before and never did I practice anything like that. For something like that to happen at that hour with that many people around its just mind boggling, I cant believe it.”
Wildlife officials have released an update Monday on a bald eagle known as “HK” that was hit by a car in Virginia Beach last week. He was hit on South Independence Blvd. right at the entrance of the Honey Bee Golf Course where he was nesting.
Observe Movie The Utah nurse arrested when she refused to let police officers draw blood from an unconscious crash victim is considering legal activity after the scaring encounter that lit up social media and provoked widespread outrage. But Alex Wubbels — whose July twenty six arrest, caught on bod camera movie, prompted apologies from Salt Lake City’s mayor and police — says she is now focused on forging better working ties inbetween police and health care workers. The nurse and her attorney Karra Porter appeared on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday and discussed the confrontation and their options. “Right now, I’m attempting to re-educate. As officers and health care workers, we have to work together on behalf of our citizens, our friends, the people we live with,” Wubbels said. “If we’re going to have that dialogue and teamwork and camaraderie, we have to come to the table and have adequate dialogue.” Porter said there is a possibility of filing a lawsuit “if that becomes necessary” and cited several parties who could be involved: “the city, the officers, the university police, you know, there are fairly a few.” But, she said, “I think we’re going to give everyone involved an chance to do the right thing without having to be dragged into court to do it.” What happened? Citing hospital policy, Wubbels refused to let officers draw blood from an unconscious crash victim who had been admitted to the University of Utah Hospital burn unit in a coma. Tho’ the man was not a suspect in the wreck, which killed another driver, police asked for his blood to be drawn. Wubbels, the charge nurse in the burn unit, introduced the officers with a printout of hospital policy on drawing blood and said their request did not meet the criteria. Hospital policy specified that before obtaining a blood sample, police needed either a judge’s order or the patient’s consent, or the patient needed to be under arrest. Porter noted Friday that the university and Salt Lake City police had agreed to the policy more than a year ago, and “the officers here appeared to be unaware of” it. Observe Movie After Wubbels’ refusal, the movie shows police Detective Jeff Payne walk quickly over to Wubbels, who backs away as he says, “Oh, please. We’re done here. We’re done. We’re done.” Wubbels shrieks as Payne compels her out the door toward a police car. She screams for him to stop, telling, “I’ve done nothing wrong! I’ve done nothing wrong! Why is this happening? This is crazy!” She also asks why the officer is “so angry.” Payne manacled Wubbels and placed her in the police car, where she sat for about twenty minutes, according to CNN affiliate KSL. She was later released without being charged. Payne and another officer have been placed on administrative leave pending the results of an investigation. Figure camera movie Wubbels was able to get her palms on the figure cam movie and was asked why it had been released weeks after the incident. She said she waited until she felt she was composed enough to talk about what happened. “I feel pretty strongly in just having sort of a good strong capability to stand up without emotion. And I need to afford myself some time to feel OK and and to be able to talk pragmatically about the situation without the emotion,” she said. Wubbels said she had no idea how the situation escalated. “What I can say is that I stood my ground. I stood for what was right, which was to protect the patient. As a nurse, any nurse, I think, would have done exactly what I did,” she said. Did Wubbels get an explanation of why she was being arrested? “Not to my skill,” she said. “I know that I was doing what … was right, what was suggested to me by a policy that I trusted and I believed to be lawful.” Wubbels said she was “scared to death” during the incident. “Obviously, I was very frightened, and I think that since this has happened, I’ve been able to sort of surmise that I feel betrayed. I feel betrayed by the police officers. I feel betrayed by my university police and security.” She said she asked hospital security for help “to have someone protect me because I felt unsafe from Officer Payne from the beginning,” she said. How did the university police and security react? “By just standing there, looking at their phones, telling me that they couldn’t protect me.” A raunchy month Wubbels said she explained to Payne “that unless the patient was under arrest, I needed to have an electronic warrant, and there was no family, and the patient could not consent for himself. And I said, ‘I’m sorry,’ and he said ‘you’re not sorry’ and got very upset.” She said Payne “was aggressive from the beginning.” “My assessment abilities led me to believe that Officer Payne was already agitated. He had already stormed off in disapproval that he couldn’t do this on the unit itself.” Porter said there were no legal grounds for the arrest. “He kept telling the patient has given implied consent essentially just by driving in Utah, but the law that the officer purported to be relying on clearly didn’t apply, because the officer admitted that there was no probable cause. Utah’s implied consent law specifically requires very likely cause,” she said. The past month has been raunchy for Wubbels. “One of the reasons we went forward is we made sure that the bod cam was available. We dreamed to see what it was that was on there. We spoke with the Salt Lake City Police Department,” Wubbels said. She got an apology from police but not from university security officials: the University of Utah Police and the Department of Public Safety, which provides security for the hospital. Last week, Wubbels said the lack of “forward progress” in meetings with university security spurred her to come forward this week with the figure camera footage. Police told her this should never have happened, Wubbels said. “I agreed with that. We began making conservation about how to prevent this from ever happening again,” she said, referring to the Salt Lake City police. “Unlike a conversation we had a week later with the university police and university security, who, after about a 45-minute conversation, still had not apologized. When I bought it up, continued to defend their officers. “And I just didn’t feel like that was adequate.”
13newsnow.comBald Eagle to fall under surgery after being hit by car in Va. Beach13newsnow.comVIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WVEC) — Wildlife officials have released an update Monday on a bald eagle known as “HK” that was hit by a car in Virginia Beach last week. He was hit on South Independence Blvd. right at the entrance of the Honey Bee Golf Course . Bald eagle hit by car will fall under surgeryThe Charlottesville Newsplexall three news articles »
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — People in our area proceed to open their hearts and give to those who’ve lost so much to the floods in Texas. Bikers for Trump parked a big truck near the Oceanfront on Sunday and collected all kinds of donations. The organization is sending nine trucks total. How you can help Harvey survivors Chris Cox, the group’s founder, says he believes it sometimes takes a tragedy to bring people together. “This is not about politics. This is not about democrats and republicans. It’s not about our dysfunctional Congress right now. It’s not about all the mudslinging,” Cox said. “This is about Americans coming together and supporting our fellow citizens in Houston.” Cox says they’ll be collecting donations and letters of support all day on Monday.Filed under: Local News, News, Top Movie, Virginia Beach
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – A rip current can quickly haul swimmers out to sea but News three is taking activity for your family with this helpful swimming safety information. Meredith Youthful, the founder and CEO of the ocean-swimming program ‘Swim Safe,’ told News three the best way to get through a rip current is to stay tranquil and let it take you out before it releases you. Youthfull said the ocean is powerful and attempting to fight against it will only distress you. She said the best thing to do is float and wait until the rip current releases you before you can swim back to shore. During Hurricane Harvey and also right here in the Outer Banks, a human chain has been used to pull swimmers to safety and Youthful says its a fine mechanism because it gets more people into the water near the swimmer who needs help. In contrast, just one person attempting to save a distressed swimmer can be deadly, as seen over the weekend with the man who drowned while attempting to save his son. Youthful said in that situation the best thing to do is stay on the beach and keep your eye on the swimmer, making sure you can see them and get to them once the rip current releases them. Of course, calling for help and utilizing lifeguards is crucial and can save a life. RELATED: Rip Currents: What you need to know and how to stay safe
CHESAPEAKE, Va. (WAVY) — Three juveniles were arrested early Monday morning after leading police on a pursue in Chesapeake. Chesapeake police spokesperson Kelly Elliot says the pursue happened around Four:40 a.m. at Mt. Pleasant Road and Battlefield Boulevard, after a vehicle refused to stop. Elliot says the pursue ended at Mt. Pleasant Road and Fentress Road — a mile and a half down the road. It was discovered that the vehicle had been stolen. Three juveniles were taken into custody following the pursue, according Elliot. Charges are pending. Stay with WAVY.com for the latest updates. jQuery(function( $ )< map = fresh google.maps.Map( document.getElementById( “lin-map-2” ), < center: fresh google.maps.LatLng( 36.70379761626, -76.210465740723 ), zoom: parseFloat( thirteen ), mapTypeControlOptions: < style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU > >); marker = fresh google.maps.Marker(< position: fresh google.maps.LatLng( 36.704761, -76.212869 ), >); marker.setMap( map ); >); Filed under: Chesapeake, Crime, Local News, News
NORFOLK, Va.- Since two thousand ten data shows Labor day is one of the highest days for parking tickets. Parking is always tricky in downtown Norfolk, especially on a holiday. Labor Day is no exception, in fact it’s one of the most ticketed days of the year when it comes to parking tickets. Downtown is a busy place on Labor Day. “If I am just here walking around the street parking will very likely be fine if you can find it ” one resident said. Data shows Labor Day is one of the most ticketed days, from parking in a no parking zone to blocking a fire hydrant. This year most people played it safe and parked in a parking garage. “I live my life I don’t want to do or see anything illegal,” said one man parking in a downtown garage. If you do get a parking ticket it can run you anywhere from $35 to over $250 dollars. “Everyone gets their fair share of parking tickets down here,” Freda said. Peter Freda holder of Granby Street Pizza said they will suggest to run pizza orders out to customers regularly when there is nowhere for them to park. “There’s a lot more garages then there used to be but street parking has always been a little limited” Freda said. If you are looking for something joy to do today before the day is over there are still a lot of businesses open downtown and you can’t truly strike the free parking. Just park legally.
NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — Norfolk Police are investigating after someone shot a man in the gam on Tidewater Drive early Monday morning. According to emergency dispatchers, the man was shot around three a.m. in the nine hundred block of Tidewater Drive. Paramedics took the man to a local hospital for treatment. He is expected to recover. Stay with WAVY.com for updates as they become available.Filed under: Crime, Local News, News, Norfolk
Virginian-PilotFormer U.Va. starlets predominate Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon | Running . Virginian-PilotThousands of runners descended on the Virginia Beach Oceanfront for Sunday’s 13.1-mile race. Norfolk’s Will Christian was 2nd overall behind fellow former . and more »
NORFOLK, Va (WAVY)- The Norfolk Police Department hosted a free haircut event called Five-O and Fades Sunday afternoon. Families lined up at Southside Stem Academy at Campostella across the day. Local barbers partnered with the police department for the event. The event included joy games, basketball, and food with officers. Up to two hundred free haircuts and encouraging words for a successful school year were given to school aged youth. Five-O & Fades two thousand seventeen Norfolk cops and barbers gave two hundred forty free haircuts, and backtoschool encouragement with outreach initiative . Pictures courtesy: Norfolk PD Facebook Filed under: Local News, Norfolk
SUFFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — A motorcyclist died in the hospital after colliding with a car on Carolina Road in Suffolk Sunday evening. Suffolk Police spokesperson Diana Klink, said Suffolk Police and Suffolk Fire and Rescue personnel responded to the accident just before 6:30 p.m. in the one thousand one hundred block of Carolina Road. The adult masculine driver of the motorcycle received emergency medical assessment and treatment by Suffolk Fire and Rescue personnel after he was thrown from his bike after colliding with a four-door passenger vehicle. He was transported to a local hospital with serious injuries, where he later died. The driver of the motorcycle has been identified as Steve Louis Decker, 67, of Hayes, Virginia. The driver, and only person in the vehicle, was not injured. The northbound and southbound lanes of the roadway were closed instantaneously following the accident. The cause of the accident remains under investigation.Filed under: Local News, Suffolk
NACOGDOCHES, TEXAS – Sixteen members from the Hampton Roads Incident Management team is helping the many people affected by extreme flooding from Harvey. They’re working with twenty seven other members from across Virginia. Total Coverage: Hurricane Harvey hits Texas The team consists of fire fighters and police officers to work behind the scenes for emergency planning. Public Information’s Officer Brian Lee tells News Trio, “It’s an incident management team who’s keeping track of what areas have been searched and what resources are needed in those areas.” They left Chesapeake on September one and traveled on the road for two days with a few setbacks. “We had two vapid tires on one trailer and another plane tire on another trailer and we had some overheating issues on one of our trucks,” Lee said. The incident management team made it to Nacogdoches, Texas on September three to help bring in more evacuees who are coming from Houston and south Texas. Lee said, “The hotels in this area are utter, the shelters still have some capacity left. They’re actually sheltering two hundred eight people in two different shelters.” The Hampton Roads Incident Management team mentioned they’ll be in Texas for at least eight days depending on what the needs are.
CURRITUCK COUNTY, N.C. (WAVY) – Currituck Fire-EMS Chief Chip Melton says a 35-year-old man died at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital after he rescued his son off Corolla Beach Saturday. Fire-Rescue crews were dispatched at Five:50 p.m. for a water rescue off the Pine Island section near milepost Trio. A man was attempting to rescue his son but was overcome by the strong rip current himself, according to Melton. The 35-year-old was rescued by bystanders and was primarily reported to be in cardiac arrest until medics arrived. EMS successfully resuscitated the man and was airlifted by Nightingale to the hospital. Melton said he later died from his injuries. At the time of the incident, beach officials had downgraded crimson flags to yellow flags but there was still a danger warning for rough surf conditions. Melton tells ten On Your Side the son is okay and never went to the hospital as he did not require medical attention. Stay with WAVY.com for developments on this story.Filed under: Local News, North Carolina, OBX
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) – Thousands of runners participated in the Rock ‘N’ Roll race Labor Day Weekend.Filed under: Community, Entertainment, Health, Lifestyle, News, Virginia Beach
CHESAPEAKE, Va. (WAVY) – An 18-wheeler packed with donations took off from Chesapeake Saturday afternoon and it is roped for Houston. We spoke with organizer Bri’Anne Green earlier this week. Crews packed up the truck at Bethany Baptist Church. The geyser included more than 30,000 bottles of water, clothes, boots, food, diapers and other essentials. Green collected the items in just three days after her Facebook post blew up. She says people donated from as far away as Elizabeth City. “It just goes to display that it’s not about who you are or where you come from that everybody has a heart,” said Green. “It’s all about humanity and providing back to the people who have lost.” Time Dispatch Services in Portsmouth donated the truck. Green is making the 22-hour journey herself to make sure the donations make it securely to Houston. Filed under: Chesapeake, Local News
These were some of the stories published in local papers the week of Sept. Trio
NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) – Norfolk Police are investigating after a assets was found Sunday morning in Ocean View. Police dispatch says they received a call around Five:50 Sunday morning about a person with an unknown problem in the two thousand one hundred block of Pretty Lake Avenue. Officers found an adult man lounging in the street with a gunshot wound. Medics pronounced him dead at the scene. The victim has been identified as 35-year-old Michael Moore of Norfolk. Ten On Your Side spoke with Moore’s gf at the scene. She says he lived down the road and was on his way home from work. She says Moore was an Army veteran and had served in Afghanistan. Neighbors living nearby, who heard the gunshots, say the neighborhood is usually quieter and did not expect this to happen so close. “It’s a good neighborhood and I like it. I’m from Fresh York believe me. I know my neighborhoods well. This is a good one. Things happen. I think it’s a puny isolated event not a characteristic of the entire neighborhood,” said one resident who desired to remain anonymous for safety concerns. Police are investigating this as a homicide. They say the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner will provide the official cause of death. Detectives have not released any suspect information at this time, but encouraged anyone with information about this incident to contact the Norfolk Crime Line at 1-888-LOCK-U-UP (1-888-562-5887). WAVY Photo/Bill ColeFiled under: Local News, Norfolk